Essentially, it's all the title. I've been searching a while for a fretless bass emu using MPE as vst on Windows. A Double bass wouldn't be unwelcome either.
Playability is not much of an issue at this particular moment, since I'm still saving for a Linnstrument, or other, and will be programming the parts for now. A few people have suggested Roli's Equator, which I'm not very familiar with. I've also considered using my Ample Sounds Jaco Fretless, since apparently you can use MPE on it monophonically. Although, given the nature of instrument, I would prefer to have a polyphonic implementation. Fretless bass seems like natural fit for MPE, so it's surprising that there doesn't seem to be anything out there, to my knowledge. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
Playability is not much of an issue at this particular moment, since I'm still saving for a Linnstrument, or other, and will be programming the parts for now. A few people have suggested Roli's Equator, which I'm not very familiar with. I've also considered using my Ample Sounds Jaco Fretless, since apparently you can use MPE on it monophonically. Although, given the nature of instrument, I would prefer to have a polyphonic implementation. Fretless bass seems like natural fit for MPE, so it's surprising that there doesn't seem to be anything out there, to my knowledge. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
Statistics: Posted by yemski — Mon Jan 08, 2024 1:22 am — Replies 1 — Views 46