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Tokyo Dawn Labs • Couple of possible bugs in NOVA

A few things I've noticed in NOVA over a few years. I'm not sure if these are REAPER-specific or not. I have mentioned a couple of them on the REAPER forums but never got a response. Maybe I'll have better luck here.

1) When using a Band x Active (i.e. bypass) envelope, the point shape defaults to linear, whereas a bypass envelope should default to square, I would have thought.

2) I updated NOVA from 2.1.5 to 2.1.6. I am on Windows 8.1, and the changelog suggests there is actually no difference except for on Mac, but I did it anyway. However, I do seem to have discovered a new bug in this version which isn't in the old one, and which seems to disappear when going back to 2.1.5:

When loading saved projects in REAPER, NOVA doesn't remember the correct Q value for band 4 and defaults back to 1.60.

I'm not sure, but this may happen only when starting from a saved preset using REAPER's native preset management, or only for a bell curve. This is based on one instance of NOVA which AFAIRC was not derived from a preset*, and uses band 4 as a high shelf. The Q value for this band is recalled correctly, whereas all my other band 4 bell curves are not. Of course I might be completely wrong about this.

*3) It is hard to tell this because REAPER does not display the preset name with NOVA after the project has been saved/closed and then reloaded. It just says "Default". I reported this a long time ago, in both the REAPER forums and as a bug report here, since I'm not sure which side the problem is. It used to work properly but broke somewhere.

Hope you can have a look at these. NOVA is one of my favourite plugins. Thanks!

Statistics: Posted by matt_t — Fri Feb 16, 2024 5:48 am — Replies 0 — Views 31

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