Prices Include PayPal fees & iLok fees.
Bundle of iLok fees over $50+ Get a discounted price!
Native Instruments : The Maverick $50
SSL VocalStrip 2: $55
SSL FlexVerb : 55
Soundtoys Bundle: $75
Crystallizer V5
Devil-Loc V5
Little Radiator V5
Little PrimalTap V5
Little MicroShift V5
UVI Key Suite Digital : $65
Xils Lab KaoX: $60
XILS 5000: $60
iZotope gold holiday bundle : $30
What's included?
- RX 8 Elements
- Ozone 9 Elements
- Neutron 3 Elements
- Nectar 3 Elements
- Iris 2
- Breaktweaker Expanded
- Stutter Edit 2
- Trash 2
- R2 by Exponential Audio
- PhoenixVerb by Exponential Audio
- Excalibur by Exponential Audio
Prices Include PayPal fees & iLok fees.
Bundle of iLok fees over $50+ Get a discounted price!
Native Instruments : The Maverick $50
SSL VocalStrip 2: $55
SSL FlexVerb : 55
Soundtoys Bundle: $75
Crystallizer V5
Devil-Loc V5
Little Radiator V5
Little PrimalTap V5
Little MicroShift V5
UVI Key Suite Digital : $65
Xils Lab KaoX: $60
XILS 5000: $60
iZotope gold holiday bundle : $30
What's included?
- RX 8 Elements
- Ozone 9 Elements
- Neutron 3 Elements
- Nectar 3 Elements
- Iris 2
- Breaktweaker Expanded
- Stutter Edit 2
- Trash 2
- R2 by Exponential Audio
- PhoenixVerb by Exponential Audio
- Excalibur by Exponential Audio
Statistics: Posted by TmS1 — Tue Mar 26, 2024 7:57 pm — Replies 0 — Views 20