According to the creator of this sample set . . . Mini Booms was originally recorded
through a Neve console to DAT during a secret overnight session at Chung King
Recording Studio’s new location in NYC, using a Roland TR-808, E-MU Systems
Emulator, several MOOGs, and utilizing a sample pit featuring a dead tree trunk, broken
upright bass, and a ceramic bath tub. Years later these one-shots were run
through hi-end analog gear into ProTools, then trimmed and normalized to -1dB. The
set was donated to me by an anonymous source, and I am happily sharing to anyone
who could use them. Enjoy! ... 5e4s0&dl=0
through a Neve console to DAT during a secret overnight session at Chung King
Recording Studio’s new location in NYC, using a Roland TR-808, E-MU Systems
Emulator, several MOOGs, and utilizing a sample pit featuring a dead tree trunk, broken
upright bass, and a ceramic bath tub. Years later these one-shots were run
through hi-end analog gear into ProTools, then trimmed and normalized to -1dB. The
set was donated to me by an anonymous source, and I am happily sharing to anyone
who could use them. Enjoy! ... 5e4s0&dl=0
Statistics: Posted by tommyzai — Sun Mar 24, 2024 8:34 pm — Replies 0 — Views 7