Hi. There is bug MXXX1/SoundFactory bug with the stereo width.
When I add a Reducer effect and then set the Sample rate to 12 O'clock and then adjust the width parameter to make a sound wider, then there is no way to get back to mono, even when I set the widener back to zero. The only way to fix that is to click on stop button two times if FL-Studio (which is equal to "Panic" button)
When I add a Reducer effect and then set the Sample rate to 12 O'clock and then adjust the width parameter to make a sound wider, then there is no way to get back to mono, even when I set the widener back to zero. The only way to fix that is to click on stop button two times if FL-Studio (which is equal to "Panic" button)
Statistics: Posted by Igro — Sun Mar 17, 2024 4:25 pm — Replies 0 — Views 12